WiSSC Travel Grants*
With funding from the UArizona Office of the Provost, WiSSC facilitated their spring travel and program grant competitions during January and February. WiSSC received 44 travel grant applications and four program grant applications.
Ten students were awarded grants up to $500 to cover funds associated with travel to academic and/or professional development-related conferences, to conduct field work or research, or to participate in workshops between January 1 and June 30, 2020. Two UArizona organizations were awarded grants up to $500 to support initiatives such as outreach programs and symposiums during the same timeframe that are related to WiSSC’s mission of fostering the entry, retention, and success of women in STEM fields.
In total, WiSSC awarded nearly $5,500 to winning applicants representing a myriad of STEM colleges and departments.
Please visit https://wissc.arizona.edu/ for information our current and past WiSSC travel and program grant winners.
•Due to travel restrictions and event cancellations associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we have extended the time period within which awardees have to use the funds.