UA Girls Who Code Partners with Desert Vista TRiO Upward Bound
We are excited to grow our computer science outreach this semester in collaborating with Pima Community College’s TRiO Upward Bound program! Sarah Stueve (incoming PhD student in the School of Information and former facilitator for UA’s GWC club) is leading 6 workshops for students who want to learn to code. Throughout the semester, these young people are learning the joy of coding in Python and learning about influential women in STEM. The workshops will culminate in a final project where students will create a graphic of their choice using Python’s Turtle module. This program is offered through the TRiO Upward Bound program at PCC’s Desert Vista campus on select Saturdays in Spring 2020. Upward Bound provides fundamental support for participants in preparation to pursue a college education. It serves students from low-income households and students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree. The goal of the partnership is to introduce students in the Upward Bound program to topics related to STEM and coding for the first time.